Thursday, March 5, 2020

Taking Your Tutorials Outside

Taking Your Tutorials Outside Where Can You Teach Outside the Home? ChaptersPrivate Tutorials: Why Teach Outside?Different Places to Teach Private TutorialsThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Outside“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” - Dalai Lama XIVPrivate tutors are the new way to learn. In fact, private tutors have been gaining in popularity over recent years. The market’s estimated at around £2 billion and 40% of children in London have already taken a private tutorial.Whether it’s IT for secondary schoolers, exam prep for GCSE and A Level, or group physics or chemistry tutorials, almost every subject can be taught at either the student’s or the tutor’s home. However, sometimes the home’s not a suitable place to be taught in.That said, there are other options. You could teach your private tutorials elsewhere. If you find a place that works for you and your student, you could easily teach them in public places, such as the library.While we often call it home tuition or home tutoring, there's nothing stopping a private tutor from taking their one on one tutoring services to a public place. After all, when a student decides to find a tutor, it's so that they can get one to one instruction from a qualified, experienced, and gifted educator, not just so they can chat to someone at home or see the inside of a stranger's flat.Private tutoring is about giving students the confidence and study skills in a one on one environment to improve in a given subject so that when they find themselves in a small group or large class, they can apply the academic coaching they received in order to perform better academically.Whether they're helping a student with their biology homework, preparing for their mathematics algebra exams, or helping them get their heads around calculus, the best tutors will have carefully planned their tutorials to ensure that everything, including where the lesson takes place, works for the student.If there’s one place for learning languages or doing private tutorial s, it’s obviously the home. Sitting on your own sofa in the warmth can make both the teacher and the student feel relaxed and is conducive to conversation.The teaching environment is just as important as the teaching approaches and resources you use. (Source: PourquoiPas)However, as we saw before, you can’t always have your private tutorials take place in the home and you’ll need to find somewhere else for you and your student. You may feel a bit lost with so much choice or worried that you won't be able to find somewhere to calmly study concepts.The following are good places to teach private tutorials:A cafeA libraryAn empty classroom in a school or universityA parkA field or picnic area, especially if you live in the countryCoworking spacesAnd many othersOf course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of the places you can teach private tutorials but it should give you a few ideas and show you that it’s not the end of the world if you can’t have your tutorials in the house. T he most important thing is to be able to transfer knowledge to the student and build a good relationship with them.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching OutsideTeaching outside isn’t impossible. However, it’s not a decision you can take lightly as there are a number of things you’ll have to consider. It’s not all fun and games taking your private tutorials out of the house, but there are a number of pros and cons to doing it.A good private tutor will use all the resources they have at their disposal. (Source: Pexels)The AdvantagesBy taking your lessons out of the house, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you’re free from any of the regular distractions you have at your  homes such as your roommate or pet. Additionally, you won’t be distracted by things you have lying around the house such as personal effects and ornaments.Academic support outside of the home is also useful for those that need help concentrating in different environments.The DisadvantagesTeachi ng classes outside of the home also has its disadvantages and things that stop us from teaching. One of the biggest disadvantages is that you can’t shut yourself off from the outside world when you’re in a public place, which can distract students and make things harder to learn. That said, a teacher and a student mightn’t work more effectively in calm environments.Whether it’s intensive classes, a one-off tutorial, or even maths tutorials, you need to make sure you don’t lose your patience due to outside distractions that you can’t control. At home, you know exactly what will and won't come in the way of your teaching and that you'll have a better idea of distractions and how to control. Outside of the home, tutorials can be affected by the opening hours of public places or the weather.Similarly, music and singing tutorials or chemistry and physics lessons aren’t the easiest things to teach safely outside. You need to decide upon the method that makes your tutorials a s engaging and educational as possible.Certain subjects require a lot of equipment. For example, piano tutorials or guitar tutorials will require a piano and a guitar respectively. These are things that you can't necessarily take with you to a public place. Additionally, you probably won't be welcome playing the piano or guitar in a library, for example.Follow these guidelines for choosing locations for giving lessons!There are also technical and scientific subjects that require a lot of equipment. You can't really teach woodwork in a cafe.  These are the kind of tutorials that are better taught in the tutor's home where they can convert part of their home into a classroom, lab, or workshop, for example.Art is a great subject to take outside. You and your student could study landscapes, for example, and sketch things as research for a bigger painting that they can complete at home.Languages and the humanities are also great subjects for teaching in public places as they normally req uire the student and tutor to talk to one other, don't require a lot of equipment, and can be taught with just a few books and an exercise book.You no longer need to be in a classroom in order to learn. (Source: Wokandapix)Of course you can teach outside of the home! While we normally see the home as the ideal spot for teaching private tutorials, you should keep in mind that teaching outside of it isn’t impossible. For certain subjects, teaching outside of the home is even better as it can keep students engaged and motivated.Don't forget that if you can't teach at your home, the student's home, or in a public place, online tutoring is also an option. An online tutor teaches their students via video conferencing, all they need is a computer, webcam, microphone, and a decent internet connection.Whether you're teaching grammar, economics, geometry, you can work flexible hours and save money on transport costs by becoming an online tutor. You can also charge those being tutored less, making finding tutor jobs and your accounting much easier.

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