Saturday, March 21, 2020

Easy Chemistry Projects For Your Kids

Easy Chemistry Projects For Your KidsEasy chemistry projects are fun. With this term, you could say that science can be fun. It can be even fun and educational when you use your children's interest in chemistry to make interesting projects. As a parent, you need to do some planning and preparation for your kids' education so that they will be ready to do this.Chemistry is a subject that you can learn easily with your kids, especially if you let them help you in the experiments. You can also do experiments with your children together so that you can get their personal experience in this field. You will be able to show them that they can learn more from doing things and doing it right.With easy chemistry projects, you can teach your children more about chemistry than they have ever known before. There are many things you can do with these projects. Some of them can teach the young ones to use different kinds of chemicals and learn about their uses and properties.One of the easiest ways you can introduce your children to chemistry is by giving them simpler experiments. You could make soda and lemonade by mixing white vinegar and water and pouring them into the lemonade bottles. This is a simple experiment that they can easily do.There are also simple experiments like mixing different kinds of nuts and baking them in different kinds of muffins. This can be done with honey instead of the nuts, but you can still do it by using different nuts, depending on the amount of time that you can spare for the project. You can even teach your children how to mix up different kinds of vegetables by using various nuts and some vegetables.Easy chemistry projects could also be made in the kitchen. Some of them can be made with lemon juice instead of vinegar and some can be made by combining cinnamon with orange oil and baking it in different kinds of cookies. This experiment could be done with tortillas, some ingredients, baking powder and spices and baking time. You just need to add the different ingredients in this project and let your children do the work.You could also make a soap-making experiment with the children. This can be very easy for you to do, so long as you have the ingredients. All you need to do is to mix together lye and essential oils and then pour in the soap. It will be better if you can let your children help you with this because you need to check that the mixture does not get all wet in the process.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Bowmans Capsule Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Bowmans Capsule Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace The bowmans capsule is a part of the filtration system .The outer layer of the Bowmans capsule consist of single layer of squamous epithelial cells.The inner layer of the Bowmans capsule is the visceral layer that along with the endothelium of the glomerulus forms an endothelio capsular membrane. Kidneys are the excretory organs in human beings. Each kidney is made up of millions of nephrons. Each nephron is composed of spherical structure called Malphigian body and a convoluted tubule. Malphigian body consists of a large double walled cup called Bowmans capsule enclosing a network of capillaries called glomerulus. The inner layer of Bowmans capsule is formed of specialized epithelial cells called podocytes. A podocyte meets the basement membrane only by a processes called the foot cells which have 25nm gaps, the slit pores or filtration slits. The space between the outer parietal layer and the inner epithelial layer is called capsular space. A central network of blood capillaries called glomerulus is almost entirely surrounded by the Bowmans capsule. The blood flows through the glomerulus under high pressure .The reason for this great pressure is that the efferent arteriole (outgoing arteriole ) is narrower than the afferent (incoming) arteriole .This high pressure causes the liquid part of the blood to filter out from the glomerulus into the funnel shaped cavity of the bowmans capsule and from there to the renal tubule. This filtration under extra ordinary force is called ultra-filtration.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Answer Free Response Questions on AP Exams

How to Answer Free Response Questions on AP Exams While the average student can generally make sense of multiple-choice questions, the threat of a free response question can be nerve-wracking. On AP exams, free response questions present a particularly difficult challenge on an already strenuous test, and many students devote multiple resources (e.g. guidebooks, study groups, tutors) and weeks of prep to them. But learning to negotiate the free response portion of the AP exam can ease students worries, offer a structured way to study, and increase your likelihood of a more positive testing experience with a higher pass rate. So, take notehere are several strategies to help you answer free response questions on AP exams. Organize your efforts Poor penmanship (and an unreadable free response) is a terrible reason to sacrifice points. Ensure your answers (whether drawn or written) are neat. If you are constructing a diagram or graph, label all of its parts and title it. Begin your free response answer with an outline to prevent confusion and disorganization. Use this outline as a blueprint to construct your answer, and pay special attention to the verbiage utilized in the questiondouble-check that you are explaining, describing, contrasting, comparing, or calculating as the question requires. Understand that you will be graded on the whole productnot your final answer alone. How you communicate your response is of great importance.Here are some great tipsonhowto prep for AP exams. Focus on the question It is all too easy to become lost in lengthy or especially difficult questions, and there are a number of them on AP exams. Read the question more than once. Can you describe the task at hand? Answer only the question asked of you. If the question prompts you to compose an essay, do not solely provide diagrams. For multi-part problems, determine how the various components relate to one another. Dissect questions to make sense of them, and include answers from prior parts if the question requires you to. Attempt to answer all portions of a free response question, even if you must skip a portion. Even if you have no idea how to address a problem, do not leave it blank. There is no penalty for an incorrect answer, so draw upon your knowledge base and do your best. These are 3 common mistakes toavoid on AP examsthat you should be aware of. Think about your language While you may be creative, the free response section on AP exams may not be an ideal opportunity to express yourself. Focus more onlanguage that is functional, rather thanstriking. Be as specific as possible in your vocabulary, and draw from the terminology within the question. Define those terms that you use, and opt for high syntax only if the context is appropriate. You are not expected to act as a thesaurus, so aim for function, not style. If you are struggling to remember a particular term, describe the larger concept instead. Here are a great test prep timeline for AP examsthat may help you prepare. Use your time wisely This may go without saying, but it is important that you monitor your time. AP exams often contain more than one free response question. Do not allot the bulk of your time to a single prompt. Above all, remember to relax as you enter the free response portion of the test. Take a deep breath, allow yourself time to read and analyze the question, and then do your very best!

Define Osmotic Pressure Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Define Osmotic Pressure Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace The movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane is called osmosis. The direction and rate of osmosis depend on the pressure gradient and concentration gradient. The osmotic pressure can be defined as the actual hydrostatic pressure (pressure related to water) which develops in a solution due to the presence of dissolved solutes when it is separated from pure water by means of a semipermeable membrane. The magnitude of the osmotic pressure is a function of solute concentration in a solution. It is higher in the case of xerophytes as compared to mesophytes while mesophytes have higher osmotic pressure than hydrophytes. It is also noted that an isolated solution without solute, and not bounded by any membrane, has no osmotic pressure. This negative osmotic pressure is called osmotic potential. For the development of osmotic pressure a confined space is required. Numerically osmotic pressure is equivalent to the osmotic potential, but the sign is opposite. Osmotic pressure is the positive pressure applied, while osmotic potential is negative. Example the function of solute concentration in a solution is the magnitude of osmotic potential. Such a solution has an osmotic potential which is a negative of osmotic pressure.

How to improve grades when you are under performing

How to improve grades when you are under performing 0SHARESShare The importance of having good grades throughout the year especially since middle school needs no stressing upon. Good grades lead to a good GPA and improve one’s chances of getting into prestigious colleges. If you are not performing well, there is a dire necessity to improve your grades right away and we have collected a few tips and tricks from teachers and online tutors to help you do so. 1: Analysis is the key to success and good grades Finding out where you are lacking or what is causing your low GPA is important. Are you consistently doing poorly in all subjects or is one subject pulling your grades down? Similarly, finding out why you are performing poorly in certain subjects when compared to others could help you improve. For instance, if you are missing classes or finding some subjects difficult or having problems with the teacher or not faring well because of lack of practise â€" whatever the reason, arriving at the root cause of it is important and this is why you should analyse where you are going wrong. 2: Time management is important This is true with everything in life and especially important when you are a student. When you are in college, you could be working part time and will find it increasingly difficult if you don’t learn it now! Studies suggest that doing things regularly at the same time is very important. Set aside time for homework and assignments everyday and manage to stick to your schedule. Beat the laziness in you and work diligently every day. In fact, when you study every day, it won’t seem like too much as opposed to when you pile it all up and try to do it in a day or two. 3: When in doubt, seek help If you aren’t clear with something, get your teacher’s help. If you still find it difficult, get a friend’s help and if all else fails, hire a personal tutor and get your doubts clarified. Today, online math tutors and science tutors are available round the clock and you can get your doubts clarified as and when you need help without having to pay a bomb! Also, with such tutors, you get personal attention which isn’t very easy to come by in today’s classes. Staying organized, being disciplined and simply doing your homework and paying attention in classes can help you get back on track! Good Luck!

The Online Learning Process Tips for Students and Parents

The Online Learning Process Tips for Students and Parents 0SHARESShare Online tutoring is becoming more and more popular these days. However, students and parents need to be careful to maximize benefits of learning. Tutoring enhance child’s performance at school if their parents are successful finding out right tutoring services. Let us check out few tips for parents and their children taking online learning. Tips for Students taking Online Learning: Online learning might be a new experience for lots of students. Follow given tips to help students out developing online learning skills Stay motivated Prepare questions useful to learning prior taking online session Protect data and Information about your learning Develop time management strategy Make the most out of online forums and discussions Make connections with fellow students Tips for Parents whose child is taking Online Learning: Often parents assume that their role in online learning is completed once they find right tutor online for their child. Unlike conventional school learning, parents play a major role with an opportunity given by online tutoring to participate in their child’s tutoring experience. The results of online learning show improved performance of the children when they find the parents Remain Involved Be Proactive Be Responsible Make their child learn better time management Participate and Experience tutoring     Encourage their child pulling out apt resources from the internet Set goals for their child and work together achieving them There is no magical formula that gives success in online learning. It is all about using various techniques that can give rich learning experience for students and parents. Try Math tutor online as your first experience of online learning!   [starbox id=admin]

Taking Your Tutorials Outside

Taking Your Tutorials Outside Where Can You Teach Outside the Home? ChaptersPrivate Tutorials: Why Teach Outside?Different Places to Teach Private TutorialsThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Outside“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” - Dalai Lama XIVPrivate tutors are the new way to learn. In fact, private tutors have been gaining in popularity over recent years. The market’s estimated at around £2 billion and 40% of children in London have already taken a private tutorial.Whether it’s IT for secondary schoolers, exam prep for GCSE and A Level, or group physics or chemistry tutorials, almost every subject can be taught at either the student’s or the tutor’s home. However, sometimes the home’s not a suitable place to be taught in.That said, there are other options. You could teach your private tutorials elsewhere. If you find a place that works for you and your student, you could easily teach them in public places, such as the library.While we often call it home tuition or home tutoring, there's nothing stopping a private tutor from taking their one on one tutoring services to a public place. After all, when a student decides to find a tutor, it's so that they can get one to one instruction from a qualified, experienced, and gifted educator, not just so they can chat to someone at home or see the inside of a stranger's flat.Private tutoring is about giving students the confidence and study skills in a one on one environment to improve in a given subject so that when they find themselves in a small group or large class, they can apply the academic coaching they received in order to perform better academically.Whether they're helping a student with their biology homework, preparing for their mathematics algebra exams, or helping them get their heads around calculus, the best tutors will have carefully planned their tutorials to ensure that everything, including where the lesson takes place, works for the student.If there’s one place for learning languages or doing private tutorial s, it’s obviously the home. Sitting on your own sofa in the warmth can make both the teacher and the student feel relaxed and is conducive to conversation.The teaching environment is just as important as the teaching approaches and resources you use. (Source: PourquoiPas)However, as we saw before, you can’t always have your private tutorials take place in the home and you’ll need to find somewhere else for you and your student. You may feel a bit lost with so much choice or worried that you won't be able to find somewhere to calmly study concepts.The following are good places to teach private tutorials:A cafeA libraryAn empty classroom in a school or universityA parkA field or picnic area, especially if you live in the countryCoworking spacesAnd many othersOf course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of the places you can teach private tutorials but it should give you a few ideas and show you that it’s not the end of the world if you can’t have your tutorials in the house. T he most important thing is to be able to transfer knowledge to the student and build a good relationship with them.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching OutsideTeaching outside isn’t impossible. However, it’s not a decision you can take lightly as there are a number of things you’ll have to consider. It’s not all fun and games taking your private tutorials out of the house, but there are a number of pros and cons to doing it.A good private tutor will use all the resources they have at their disposal. (Source: Pexels)The AdvantagesBy taking your lessons out of the house, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you’re free from any of the regular distractions you have at your  homes such as your roommate or pet. Additionally, you won’t be distracted by things you have lying around the house such as personal effects and ornaments.Academic support outside of the home is also useful for those that need help concentrating in different environments.The DisadvantagesTeachi ng classes outside of the home also has its disadvantages and things that stop us from teaching. One of the biggest disadvantages is that you can’t shut yourself off from the outside world when you’re in a public place, which can distract students and make things harder to learn. That said, a teacher and a student mightn’t work more effectively in calm environments.Whether it’s intensive classes, a one-off tutorial, or even maths tutorials, you need to make sure you don’t lose your patience due to outside distractions that you can’t control. At home, you know exactly what will and won't come in the way of your teaching and that you'll have a better idea of distractions and how to control. Outside of the home, tutorials can be affected by the opening hours of public places or the weather.Similarly, music and singing tutorials or chemistry and physics lessons aren’t the easiest things to teach safely outside. You need to decide upon the method that makes your tutorials a s engaging and educational as possible.Certain subjects require a lot of equipment. For example, piano tutorials or guitar tutorials will require a piano and a guitar respectively. These are things that you can't necessarily take with you to a public place. Additionally, you probably won't be welcome playing the piano or guitar in a library, for example.Follow these guidelines for choosing locations for giving lessons!There are also technical and scientific subjects that require a lot of equipment. You can't really teach woodwork in a cafe.  These are the kind of tutorials that are better taught in the tutor's home where they can convert part of their home into a classroom, lab, or workshop, for example.Art is a great subject to take outside. You and your student could study landscapes, for example, and sketch things as research for a bigger painting that they can complete at home.Languages and the humanities are also great subjects for teaching in public places as they normally req uire the student and tutor to talk to one other, don't require a lot of equipment, and can be taught with just a few books and an exercise book.You no longer need to be in a classroom in order to learn. (Source: Wokandapix)Of course you can teach outside of the home! While we normally see the home as the ideal spot for teaching private tutorials, you should keep in mind that teaching outside of it isn’t impossible. For certain subjects, teaching outside of the home is even better as it can keep students engaged and motivated.Don't forget that if you can't teach at your home, the student's home, or in a public place, online tutoring is also an option. An online tutor teaches their students via video conferencing, all they need is a computer, webcam, microphone, and a decent internet connection.Whether you're teaching grammar, economics, geometry, you can work flexible hours and save money on transport costs by becoming an online tutor. You can also charge those being tutored less, making finding tutor jobs and your accounting much easier.

Teacher Tips for Fostering Kindness

Teacher Tips for Fostering Kindness The primary focus of your job is to guide students toward learning and prepare them for the next grade and the real world. You might also work on cultivating students soft skills like perseverance and communication, but theres something else that matters: kindness. The Center for Creative Leaderships white paper, Empathy in the Workplace: A Tool for Effective Leadership, shares that empathy is positively related to job performance, while countless other experts cite kindness as an asset of some of the worlds most successful people. You care about your students long-term well-being. So, teach them not just to achieve but to treat others well along the way. Here are a few tips to cultivate kindness in your students: Lead by example. As always, your example speaks volumes. Treat your students with respect and compassion. Be a good role model for what it looks like to genuinely care for others. Teach them to find the good in others. Encourage your students to build up classmates, friends, and peers, even with small gestures like a smile or a compliment a day. This has mutually positive benefits on both sides. Talk about understanding. Thats what empathy is all about putting yourself in anothers shoes. Teach your students to take others perspectives and keep an open mind as they learn about the world and different people and cultures. Set expectations for high ethics. Discuss moral issues as they come up. Ask students what they stand for and how they walk the walk in their daily lives. Explain how actions affect others. Selflessness is at the root of being a kind person. Talk to your students about how they can have a positive (or negative) impact on others. A culture of kindness in your classroom will nurture students development of empathy, self-esteem, and more. This positive environment will strengthen your students as individuals and future leaders. Photo bySandrachile .onUnsplash